About Illuminati

A person who is poor can save a life, but a person who is rich can build a hospital and save ten thousand. The poor can do little to help the poor, but the rich can help as many as they are able. If a person is rich, they have the opportunity. To do good, but if they are poor they are unable to help anyone but themselves. Those with little can still do much. The greater a person’s fortune, the greater their responsibility to their fellow humans. Like the Pyramid, those with the greatest power can do the greatest good for the largest number of those below them.

Money is not the root of all evil, money is the route to all freedom. The selfish pursuit of money is a hollow goal, but the pursuit of the goodness that money can create is one of humanity’s greatest responsibilities

Join The Great Illuminati Brotherhood For Money,Fame And Power Every human is guided by an inner compass that points toward the Light, revealing truth and direction amidst decisions. All human spiritual beliefs ultimately seek the Light in ways differing only in form and function.

In popular culture, a great amount of focus is placed on the Illuminati’s belief that money is not evil. Some view our encouragement of work and wealth as a promotion of selfishness – overlooking the true meaning of the Pyramid and its underlying messages that motivate our diligence. In the tenets of the Illuminati, wealth is not simply a means of personal enrichment. Instead, money is a tool that can be used to fulfill each person’s duty to the advancement of the human species.

Spiritual and moral values The Illuminati is a secret society that strives to promote spiritual and moral values. It was founded under principles of love, justice, unity, peace, and relief. The Illuminati bring together individuals of goodwill, irrespective of their differences and backgrounds, and ensure that these good men become better in the society.

There are many benefits of being Illuminati such as providing you with the opportunity to fellowship and share knowledge with other members. It also gives you the opportunity to mentor those who want to achieve wealth and overall well-being. The members are reminded to appreciate ethics, morality and principles, while others find satisfaction in advancing their positions within the society.

Many people talk about Illuminati but they hate what they don’t understand. Illuminati is real and is every where in the world. There is a biggest debate among the south Africans whether Nelson Mandela is a member of the secret society. Guy if you know what the secret society is all about or it’s missions, you can get involved in such argument.

Illuminati is among the powerful secret societies in the world with an aim of ruling or taking over the world as it is now. For one to be powerful, popular, and rich you must be belonging to one of the secret societies in this world. For our brothers in the music industry if you don’t bow down and sacrifice to Baphomet, you can’t make it with your music career. In every aspect of life there is a goddess.

The Rothschild family have whatever it takes to make the world a better place for every one. They control the banking sector in the world just if they can give their wealth to the poor ones, no one can surfer any more and they are using their wealth to fund the secret society Illuminati that’s why it’s among the biggest and powerful secret society. There are many secret societies in the world.

The Rothschilds already possessed a significant fortune before the start of the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), and the family had gained preeminence in the bullion trade by this time.From London in 1813 to 1815, Nathan Mayer Rothschild was instrumental in almost single-handedly financing the British war effort, organizing the shipment of bullion to the Duke of Wellington’s armies across Europe, as well as arranging the payment of British financial subsidies to their continental allies. In 1815 alone, the Rothschilds provided £9.8 million (in 1815 currency, about £566 million today when using the retail price index, and £6.58 billion when using average earnings) in subsidy loans to Britain’s continental allies. This shows to you how powerful this family is. I will not go into deep of that.

There is another family called Rokeffeler family.

The Rockefeller family is an American industrial, political and banking family that made one of the world’s largest fortunes in the oil business during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with John D. Rockefeller and his brother William Rockefeller primarily through Standard Oil.The family is also known for its long association with and financial interest in the Chase Manhattan Bank, now part of JPMorgan Chase. They are generally seen as one of the most powerful families in the history of the United States and the whole world.

As a member and an agent of the Illuminati in south Africa i look at many things in the country and i just feel happy because people they have what they don’t understand. Every day a south African is exposed to 80% of the Illuminati signs and symbols . some on the streets, on the clothe, food they buy, music they watch, words they use while chatting and so forth. This means we are every where.

Joining The Illuminati

When deciding to join the occult, you must be with some thing in common which you want us to motivate. The occult only motivates whats inside you. i mean some thing you feel you can do better here i mean like : talent and business. Some of the people who don’t have talents come in as business ladies and gents

Who I’m I?

I am called Agent Mike a well known traditional healer with Illuminati powers.i was given strong powers from the secret society because i could do better in culture and some of my services you pay after job is done. i use Illuminati powers for all my job as a spiritual doctor or healer.

Origin of Satan

  • Satanism is not a Christian invention
  • Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions
  • Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities
  • Satanism is not about “evil”
  • Satanism is not an invention of, or a “reaction” to Christianity
  • Satanism is not a creation of Anton LaVey
  • Satanism is not about death

True Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity to reach equality with the Gods, which was our True Creator (Satan’s) intention from “Peace Be Unto Him”

Due to centuries of misinformation, lies, and the systematic removal of knowledge, few people these days understand or even know what “Satanism” really is all about.

Christianity has been at liberty to dictate without any opposition, what they CLAIM Satanism to be. In order to accomplish this, the truth had to be destroyed. The Catholic Church (the original Christian Church, from which all Christian sects have evolved), heinously tortured to death and mass-murdered millions of innocent men, women and children in what was known as “The Inquisition.” Some children who were burnt to death in what were known as “witch houses” were as young as two years of age.¹

Christians forever rant and rave concerning the where all identities, cultures, personal privacies, and liberties will be lost and humanity, after being systematically bar-coded, will be lumped into a one-world slave state. What they fail to see is how their own so-called “religion” and bible have always been and are the roots of and blueprint for this regime. Everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible has been stolen and corrupted from religions predating Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from hundreds to thousands of years. Through Judaism and its tool of Christianity, all of the original spiritual teachings from around the world, (which are CONCEPTS) have been stolen from, lumped together into the “one,” and corrupted into Jewish archetypes and characters and fictitious places. This has given the Jewish people as a whole a false history, political power and “spiritual” authority to which they are not entitled.

The bible is a very powerful subliminal tool to control the masses. One can see this is a man-made work as there are endless contradictions. The bible has been systematically drummed into the minds of the populace from a very early age. A lie must always be enforced as opposed to the truth which can stand on its own. Because spiritual knowledge and occult power have been removed and kept in the hands of a “chosen” few, the unknowing populace has been helpless against it. The agenda here is to create a one-world slave state with the “chosen” few ruling at the top. The perpetrators of course blame Satan to create a necessary distraction, while they use occult power to accomplish their ends. They have a history of stealing from and blaming their enemies for everything they really are and do, while always holding themselves in the highest esteem and innocence.

The original religions now known as “Satanism” (by the way, “Satan” means “enemy” in Hebrew), were all based upon what is known as the “Magnum Opus” or Great Work. The one known as “Satan” is our True Creator God. He was prevented by the other Gods from finishing his work on humanity, that of the godhead. The godhead is physical and spiritual perfection. Now, if you continue to read on, I will prove this.

The serpent is seen everywhere in ancient relics and structures. The serpent was held sacred in all areas of the ancient world. Satan is the God Ea, aka ENKI, one of the first of the Nephilim to arrive on this planet and establish the first civilization. In Sumerian mythology, Enki’s symbol was always the serpent.

The serpent represents the DNA, the life force and the kundalini and has survived as the emblem of the American Medical Association and Veterinary medicine, where it is symbolic of life and healing. Only with the coming of Judeo/Christianity, has this sacred symbol been desecrated and blasphemed.

Nearly all of us are familiar with the term “fallen.” This word has been used copiously by Christian clergy to refer to Satan and his Demons. In truth, “fallen” pertains to the kundalini serpent (which has always been associated with our Creator God Satan), which has fallen in humanity as a whole and now lies dormant at the base of the spine. Because of this, humanity as a whole is on a very low level of spiritual understanding. Thoughtless abuses of children and animals, senseless wars, brutality and endless corruption are the results of the fallen serpent.

The “Tree of Life” which was stolen from the ancient Pagan religions and found its way into the biblical book of Genesis, was seen in many parts of the ancient world in friezes upon walls of ancient temples and in some tombs. The “Tree of Life” is actually a map of the human soul. The trunk is the spine and the branches are the pathways for the chi (bioelectricity). The serpent is what empowers the soul, bringing the all-knowing state of super consciousness known as “samadhi.” The “Sun-God” in truth is the ball of condensed chi (bioelectricity), which is visualized and circulated through each of the chakras (Gods) to empower and cleanse the soul, using specific meditations. This is stage one of the Magnum Opus.

The stolen accounts in the Judeo-Christian Bible of humans living for hundreds of years or more were taken from the objective of the Magnum Opus. This is where all so-called “witchcraft” leads to- alchemy of the soul. This is the highest and most profound working of the human mind, that of accomplishing the godhead of which is our birthright given to us from our Creator Satan.